Our school community enjoys a strong sense of belonging and ownership over the direction and continuing success of our school. Known affectionately as 'South', families, staff and students work together to protect the reputation for our unique capacity to provide a community that is inclusive and dedicated to supporting students with diverse learning needs. Visitors frequently comment on the palpable sense of community and care that is demonstrated in our school. Respect for self, others and place is evident in our relationships with each other, ourselves and our school. Gladstone South State School is an active member of the local community, with regular participation in many events. These include:
Strong student performance in sporting, cultural and academic fields, participating at a school, district and state level
NAIDOC week celebrations
Participation in the local ANZAC march and ceremonies
Botanic to Bridge fundraising event
Whole school assembly
Our student leaders deliver the school assembly each week on a Friday morning from 9am. Alongside general announcements, we celebrate the achievements of our students through the presentation of certificates and awards. In 2019, Bee at School Bertie has joined us for the attendance award and trophy presentation for the year level with the highest attendance during the past week. We often have special guests join us, including our local Adopt-a-Cop.
School disco and concert
Each year, the whole school community comes together for fun and celebration at the Annual South Christmas Carols. This is a festive, musical night that showcases the best of South's students and staff. The P&C regularly hold pool discos and other fun events throughout the year.